From Our Soundbooth | September 05, 2017

We’re delighted to announce that this week’s featured 2017 Miller Audio Prize Winner is Ryan Sweikert, whose project “Short of Breath” won our Miller Prize in the Documentary category. We’re so excited to be able to share it with you below, along with some words from Ryan about the piece.

From Ryan:”‘Short of Breath’ was an experiment. It was important [for me] not to editorialize the experiences of the people I was talking to. I wanted them to tell their own stories in their own words. I wanted the listener to be immersed in their lives for a few minutes, and to hear the truth in their voices.”

Ryan Sweikert is an audio producer and sound designer living in Brooklyn, New York. He believes strongly in the importance of empathy in life and work.  He is a graduate of the Transom Story Workshop, and a graduate student in journalism at NYU. You can find more of his work at 

Here is “Short of Breath” by Ryan Sweikert: