Uncategorized | November 03, 2006

I’ve won a t-shirt!

Chronogram, a newspaper aimed at “nourishing and supporting the creative and cultural life of the Hudson Valley” (that’s Hudson Valley, NY), ran a witty little contest, and yours truly came in 15th place! I know! I’m really excited about it!

The contest, called “Joined at the Hip,” involves merging the titles of two works of literature to arrive at something brand new. You give the title and a one sentence pitch, e.g. “Paradise Lost in the Funhouse: We feel quite bad for Satan when he learns about the disappointments of youth as well as the fictional process.”

Here is the link to the winners, the runners-up, and those like myself who will proudly wear the t-shirt of almost-almost victory (size medium) when it arrives in the mail.

Have fun thinking up your own!